So on Monday I FINALLY find out what my little Appleseed will be.
I cannot begin to express how excited I am about it!
As I've stated in previous posts, I've done really good with not buying anything...
And when I say anything I mean NOTHING, at all!
Obviously, I'm dying to!!
Anyways, since my appointment is at 10 a.m. Monday morning,
I've decided I would go ahead and do a Gender Predictions post,
since I'm not usually on the computer at all over the weekend.
I actually got the idea from Laurie @ The Rookie Wife.
I read it before I got pregnant and it was such a cute post
that it just stayed stuck in my mind even after I got pregnant!
So I thought it would be fun to do something similar! :)
High or Low
The infamous "they" say that if you are carrying low it is a boy
and if it are carrying high it is a girl.
I'm not sure how to tell, since I don't feel like
I'm far enough along to be able to say whether I'm high or low.
However, I've had someone tell me I am carrying high, so we will just go with that...
Baby's Heartbeat
"They" say that if the baby's heartbeat is over 140 beats per minute you expect a girl. If it is less that 140 you are having a boy. Last time the baby's heartbeat was in the mid 150's.
"They" say that if you are craving sweet things like chocolate then you are having a girl. If you would rather have something salty or sour, then you are having a boy. I've craved salty/sour things from the beginning.
Round and Rosy?
"They" say that if your face gets full and rosy during your pregnancy then you are having a girl. I don't feel like I've gained any weight in my face. So...
Breast Friends
"They" say that if you look at your girls and the right is bigger, then expect a little boy. If your left is bigger it is a girl. I was kind of confused about this because I've read that it was the opposite of that as well. However, I looked up several sites and read more sites where if the right breast was larger then it is a boy. So I'll stick with that.
Tummy Yuckies
"They" say if you experience nausea or sickness then you are having a girl. If you didn't experience this, then it is a boy. I was nauseous the first 11 or 12 weeks.
Soft or Dry
"They" say if your hands have been more dry since pregnancy expect a boy. My hands I feel like have been more dry than soft.
Sleeping on Sides
"They" say that if you prefer sleeping on your left side expect a boy. If you prefer sleeping on your right, then you are having a girl.
Moody Much?
"They" say if you are experiencing mood swings, expect a girl. I have my days where I'm extra emotional, but I don't feel like I'm having mood swings.
Adult Acne
"They" say if your crazy, altering, pregnancy hormones break you out, then expect a little pink bundle.
Even and Odd
"They" say if your age and year of conception is both even or odd, expect a girl. If one is odd and one is even then you will have a little boy. I am 24 and my conception year is 2013.
Stressing It.
"They" say that the baby's sex tends to be the same as the parent who is less stressed at the time at the time of conception. I'm not sure who was more or less stressed at that time...We have both been on our stressed game since the new year lol.
Dream On
"They" say that if you dream of a boy then you will have a girl and vice versa. I've dreamed of a little boy.
Chinese Gender Chart
They have a chart where you find your age of conception and your month of conception and they predict whether or not you will have a boy or a girl. I was 23 and I conceived in January.
Girl = 6
Boy= 7
We will find out for sure on Monday! :)
Pretty even, huh?! I'm gunna go out on a limb and say girl, just because it seems to be the year for them:) How excited you must be to find out. I know I was!