Monday, April 15, 2013

5 for Five

Good Morning!!

I would say Happy Monday,
but I would be lying.
I don't really find Monday's happy.

I  fell asleep last night in a weird mood,
after asking my husband a question and
not really getting the answer I was hoping for.

It made me realize a few things...

1. How much things change...
I wish they didn't, honestly.
I mean I know there are things that have to change,
but I was hoping that one or two things would stay the same,
and I am realizing that they won't.

2. I depend too much on his answers...
I love my husband and his opinions matter,
but maybe they matter too much sometimes.
I am pretty sure that I need to start depending more on my own.

I'm slowly coming to the conclusion that
 I need to just start doing some things for me
and no one else.
Because the opinions of others about my person are likely to change one day.
My opinions of myself need to stay the same no matter what.

So enough of my blabbering!
Onto My Goals!



Last Weeks Goals

The hubby and I split this goal again,
so it got done! :)

2. Finish Washing Clothes
I got this done as well!
But it is already time to do it again! :p

3. Start on Dashboard Project
I definitely didn't do this...#MeSlacker
4. Do something active AT LEAST 2x
I done this, though! Yay me!
5.Straighten up underneath bathroom sink
I meant to, but it just never happened

New Goals

1. Wash clothes...Again!
I hate laundry!.
2. Watch Gattaca for Writing Assignment Wednesday
This is a must!!!
3. Finish Study Guide for Test
Test Next Tuesday (last one, yay!)
4. Do something active AT LEAST 3x
Bump it to three and continue on doing this!
5.Move the Husbands shoes into the bedroom
It will be one less thing to do when we start decorating the baby room

What goals do you want to accomplish this week?!

Oh and don't forget to Vote on What little Appleseed will be!! 
(on the right under the Follow me Section) :)

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