Thursday, February 28, 2013

Its OK

Hey Ya'll!

I hope everyone has been having a better week than I have.
This week has been pretty rough.
I've pretty much felt sick off and on all day, every day this week.
Baby Dixon is causing mommy to be a tiny bit miserable.

Monday night I took an hour and a half nap, not getting up until eight-thirty,
And then I went back to bed at eleven.
So that speaks about my energy levels...
What energy levels?!?

This has caused me to be a total slacker.
At work I'm focusing on trying to stay awake,
And at home I'm focusing on getting a shower and trying to stay awake...
Some nights I only make it until nine.
Then I'm hitting the sack.
Just sad...

Everyone keeps telling me that it gets better during the second trimester.
I suuree hope they are right.
Because right now, I have no motivation to do anything

I know I haven't posted my weekly update on Baby Dixon,
but I kind of just wanted to wait to post another one after my first baby appointment,
which is next March 6th (so this coming up Wednesday).
So I'll post a Baby Dixon update then.

Today, however, Its OK.
Its Ok Thursdays
It's OK
...That my tummy isn't agreeable with any part of the day (unless I'm sleeping)
...That I had a bad dream last night that scared the crapola out of me, so I got my husband to go to the bathroom with me at 1:30 this morning.
...That today is the first day in over a week that I actually look somewhat decent (the rest of the time I've been in zombie mode)
...That I'm already wanting to go back home and go to bed (not feeling good and being at work is not fun)
...That I've nearly eaten an entire jar of pickles, right by myself
...That the most I have done this week on my house is wash dishes (when I got home, I'm getting a shower and either taking a nap or going to bed for the night)
...That this week has been very emotional week
...That I hate the smell of popcorn
...That I went and bought two dozen Krispy Kreme donuts the other night (I did split them with my parents, so that's a plus right?)


  1. I hope it does. I stayed tired the whole SUPER fatigued. People kept saying I would get a burst of energy toward the end....but it never came!

  2. -I also hate the smell of popcorn. We have a microwave in our office and I refuse to let anyone use it for popcorn!
    -2 dozen KK doughnuts sounds so delightful right now!
