Thursday, September 20, 2012

Can we say.... It's OK?

Its Ok Thursdays

It's OK....
...That I'm horrible at remembering names. I'm great with faces, but a dunce with names.

... That I totally got a grilled chicken sandwhich meal, fries and all,  from Chic-Fil-A yesterday (my absolutely favorite place to eat)... it was the first time I ate fast food the entire week!

...That I still get nervous when I get up to sing in church. I've been singing since... forever. And I still have times where my throat goes dry and my knees knock together

...That I feel totally inadequate in so many areas. I just want there to be ONE thing that I'm super good at and confident in.

...That I feel like an old woman since I threw my back out. I'm having to make sure I'm stretching my back out after workouts or I walk around like Quasimoto LOL (If you don't know who that is he is the Hunchback of Notre-Dam)

...That I feel silly when I have so many things to do, but when I go to make out my goals for the day on a piece of paper my mind completely goes blank! (I'm like...really?)

...That I don't have the best memory. I can't recall every detail vividly, and some days I have to really think about what I did the day before... *sigh*

Hope all you guys have a blessed Thursday! :)



  1. My memory has been terrible lately so I can relate! I sometimes also wish that I had one area where I really excelled in, as opposed to a few areas where I'm average. Stopping by from the link up, have a great Thursday!

  2. Exactly! I'm okay at several things, but not GREAT! (had a mental picture of Tony the Tiger there lol) Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I feel the same way so many times, as if I still haven't found my niche ya know? grr oh well we can only do what we can do. I have the tenants at the senior apartment complex that I manage tell me that getting old is hard because you can't remember anything and I always reply with "Well, then whats wrong with me now?" because I am horrible at remember things. Epsecially things I need to do, maybe I subconsciously block myself from remembering so I won't have to do them. Hmmm, food for thought.

  4. I know right!! I can't remember anything either....I think they are doing something to the food these days!! I had Chick-Fil-A this morning girl...I never get tired of that place!!

    1. I know! Me either! I'm so in love with that place I could literally eat it morning, noon, and night. Of course, it probably wouldn't love me if I ate it that much! I would blow up like a whale!

  5. I'm awful with names, too! I used to remember everything, and then I had my daughter and I can't remember ANYTHING. haha.

    I'm following you now from

    1. hahah I always try to warn people of that before hand. I'm like, just so you know, I may forget, but that's with everyone so don't take it personal! LOL
