Thursday, July 11, 2013

Feeling Beautiful with a Bump

I will be the first to say that this feeling has been pretty much non-existent during my pregnancy.
I love the fact that my own child is growing inside of me.
I love to feel her move, and the process of growing a baby inside you IS beautiful.
But feeling beautiful?... that's a big negative.
I'm sure most pregnant women feel that way.
Not all pregnant women, but most of them.
Unfortunately I don't fall in the category of women where I truly feel beautiful.
Between the weight gain, the breakouts, and all the other weird crap that happens to you during pregnancy, I'm not sure I know what feeling beautiful feels like anymore.
The moments I'm kind of feeling it, and want a picture to capture the wonderful moment of feeling anything but Pregnant, the camera likes to tell me otherwise.
Don't you just hate that?
There you are feeling pretty good, thinking everything looks decent...
Then you take a picture and you are like--gross!
I'm ranting, I know.
But that's ok, because I know I'm probably ranting for fifty percent of the pregnancy population.
Plus, I would go through all of the feelings, emotions and physical pain, because I know it will be one hundred percent worth it when I hold my little princess in my arms.
So without further ado... Updated Baby Bump Photos.
23 weeks

26 weeks
Hope you guys have a great Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. I totally know what you mean. You think you look awesome.. then someone takes a pic of you, you look at it a few days later and you think.. What the eff??

    Been there. I think we all have. I hope this gets better for you, friend.

    Even if you don't believe this, you truly do look beautiful. You are absolutely glowing. =)
